
Use the "spin down" indicator in the left column to expand the tree items to view sub-categories and files. You will only see items listed for which you have permissions to download.

Download Categories
This includes files that did not specify a download category.
Close-Up Magazine
The Club's Award Winning Magazine
Quick Tips for Members
Quick Help for Common Website Activities
Quick Tips for Web Content
How-tos for web content help for Club Managers and Coordinators
Quick Tips for Judges
Step-by-step instructions for judges using VCC website
VCC Minutes of Meetings
Board, AGMs, Special Meetings
Material for Shared Interest Groups to use
Workshops - Supporting Documents
Documents for various club workshops
Website How-to Instructions
How-to documents to assist website users work with this website: image management, competition management, event management, forum management, etc...
VCC Administrative Documents
Includes VCC Constitution & Bylaws, Model Release Form and more.
Tips for Photographers
Articles and presentation notes by club members.
Tips on producing slideshows for Presentations
Creating Slideshows and Presentations
Presenters Documents
Documents from Presenters Night
Other Supporting Documents
Documents supporting other web activities for Content Managers
Website Support
For Website support, Administrators only

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