VCC YouTube Channel

Visit the Victoria Camera Club YouTube Page:   

Thanks are extended to Club volunteer Normand Marcotte, who maintains the YouTube page.

To view a specific video, click on a link below (most recent at top):


Apr 19 - Japan 2023 

Jan 11 - Painting with Light 


Sep 14 - Creative SIG Meeting with Guest, Maggie Taylor 

Feb 11 - Seeing in Black and White, Mimicking the Darkroom 

Feb 09 - Creative SIG Multiple Exposure Blended in Camera 


Nov 11 - AI Gererated Art 

Oct 13 - Regarding the Meaning in Art 

Sep 14 - Where do you get your Ideas and Inspiration, with Cheryl Parris 

Mar 18 - Eastwood vs VCC 2022 - VCC Submissions 

Mar 18 - Judges Comments for VCC Images 2021-2022 Eastwood Competition 

Feb 11 - Using Brushes and the Pattern Stamp in Photoshop 

YouTube Archives 

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