Internal Competition Themes

2024 - 2025 Internal Competition Themes

September 2024 – Pattern and Design
This throwback theme received the most votes at our year end awards night in May. You may want to focus on curves and lines, in preparation for an upcoming CAPA competition, or use your creative eye to find abstract patterns and designs.

October 2024 – Street Scenes
Whether on a country road or busy city street, capture those chance encounters and special moments in the public places around us.

November 2024 – Seascapes
Photograph your favourite beach or catch the movement of the waves or changing of the tides. Your imagination is the limit, as long as the ocean is included.

January 2025 – Architecture
This genre of photography focuses on buildings and structures. You may want to attend workshops on Urban Abstract in October or Architecture as Art in November for inspiration!

February 2025 –Human Interest
Snap a special moment that portrays people in an interactive, emotional or unusual situation.

March 2025 – Transportation
There are so many ways to get around in our modern world. This theme features things or people on the move.

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