Shared Interest Groups

A number of Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) have been established to enable interested members of the club to further pursue their particular interests and passions. Current SIGs include the Nature Photography, Creative, and Aerial Photography.  

See the Calendar for the details. Groups may also utilize a dedicated Gallery to display their work as their skills develop through interaction with their fellow participants. 

Members are invited to discuss their interests with the SIG leaders (see the About Us page) and to Subscribe to the SIG NEWS in your forum of interest  to find out what is happening.

CURRENTLY ALL MEETINGS ARE VIA ZOOM (Location of Meetings: Camosun College - Lansdowne Campus, 3100 Foul Bay Road)
(see Calendar for room numbers)
See Campus Map

Nature Photography Shared Interest Group (SIG)

Members of the Nature Photography SIG meet on the first Wednesday of each month to present and discuss their nature images and to learn from one another, all in the aid of improving upon their skills and abilities as nature photographers.

Creative Shared Interest Group (SIG)

Members of the VCC Creative SIG meet on the second Wednesday of each month. The group has been established to explore the extension of photography into the realm of photo-based art. This covers anything that requires the photographer to do more than be in the right place, wait for the right moment, and release the shutter.

The techniques can include, but are not limited to;

  • creation of composite images from layers of other images,
  • digital editing using photoshop-type software,
  • elaborate set-up and staging prior to the shoot,
  • intentional camera movement and other blurring effects,
  • lensbaby, pinhole camera, multiple exposures, etc..

If going beyond traditional photography, based on an array of currently available tools and techniques, is on your agendas, the Creative SIG may be just right for you.

Drone Photography Shared Interest Group (SIG)

The Drone Photography Shared Interest Group does not meet on a regular schedule. Because of the nature of the topic, weather conditions, land ownership permissions and laws regarding use all factor into when and where a shoot can occur. 

Street Photography Shared Interest Group (SIG)

Members of the Street Photography Shared Interest Group (SIG) meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month.


Printing Shared Interest Group

Details coming soon.

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