CAPA Music Competition

Submit by:  
15 Jan 2024  

The intention of this competition is to provide photographers the opportunity to capture and create stunning images that would otherwise be outside of their normal comfort zone.  Images can be staged or candid.

Submitted images MUST be captured by a light sensitive surface/device (camera, light sensitive paper, smartphone, film, tablet, etc.). See the editing comments below for the limits of artificial intelligence images and techniques.

The four themes defined by CAPA for this competition as follows:

  • Creative Musical Image: this can be abstract, expressionist or altered reality. An image in this theme might include musical notes, staff, instruments, musicians and people.

  • Musical Instruments: this theme is self-explanatory, but remember CAPA is looking for creative, stunning images.

  • Musical Performers: any kind of musician making any kind of music will qualify: orchestral, choral, folk, marching bands, soloists, etc.

  • Performing to Music: this could include dancing, exercising to music, musical production, etc., as long as the performance is to music.

Open Editing

The usual CAPA eligibility rules apply: see the CAPA general page.

Editing is “OPEN”, which means any in-camera, on-camera or post-capture techniques may be used. You may combine images, add elements, use pre-sets, applications and actions to enhance or distort the image. Any images or textures added must have been originally photographed or created by the artist.  Colour, black and white and monochrome images are permitted.

Images cannot be solely created by a computer application.  Digital frames, pin-lines, borders and mats are NOT permitted. Images not created by the photographer are not allowed.  Third party pre-sets including AI adjustments are permitted as long as they do not add components or patterns or textures not originating from a photo taken by the photographer.

Artificial intelligence renderings generated via text prompt may NOT be used in whole or in part in a submitted image.


To VCC, no later than January 15, 2024, and to CAPA, no later than February 15, 2024.


Victoria Camera Club has been awarded an Honour Award at 134.5 points in the 2024 CAPA Music Competition.  Congratulations to Alec Lee for "In the Pocket", 22.5 points, Kahsia Hartwell for "Ink and Ivory", 23.0 points, Normand Marcotte for "Musical Solitude", 22.5 points, Steve Barber for "Organ Detail, Montreal", 23.0 points, Tom Stewart for "Sizzling Six String Symphony", 21.5 points, and Jim Fowler for "Water Music", 22.0 points.  

On the Individual Competition side, Jim Fowler won the Bronze Medal for his three guitar pictures, "The Sound Hole", 24.5 points, "The Sound of Rosewood", 24.0 points, and "Guitar with Cubist Tendencies", 23.0 points.  "The Sound Hole" also won a Second Merit - Creative award.

See the gallery to the right.

  1. Images should be in JPEG format, maximum 1400 pixels on the horizontal x 1050 on the vertical in size.
  2. Note: One of the dimensions must be exactly the maximum allowed size (either 1400 or 1050 pixels).

  3. For example, a portrait image would have a vertical dimension of 1050 pixels, the maximum allowed for the vertical dimension.  A square image would be 1050 x 1050 pixels so as not to exceed the vertical maximum.

  4. sRGB colour space is recommended, with  a maximum file size of 1.8 MB

  5. Maximum number of submissions per VCC member is two.
  6. Please preserve your image’s original RAW or JPEG formatted files, should CAPA request them.

See CAPA Music Competition for More Information




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