Eastwood vs Victoria Camera Club

   Deadline for Submission: 18th December 2024


North Shore

Eastwood vs VCC


This is a friendly competition exclusively between just our Club and the Eastwood Photographic Society of Glasgow, Scotland. It was initiated by former VCC member Douglas Bain, who moved from Glasgow to Victoria. This year will be the 17th year of this, our “friendliest,” competition.

Each club submits thirty images, fifteen by novice/intermediate members and fifteen by advanced members. Each club provides one judge who is not a club member. Judges assign a score (out of 20) for each of the sixty images, AND provides a comment on every image. This is highly unusual, and makes this contest more fun and enlightening than most.

This is an open category competition, with no restrictions on post-capture editing techniques. Novice and intermediate members, take note: if you enter only one external competition, this is the one you should try. A review of the judges’ comments is always enlightening and often highly amusing. Sadly, it has been a few years since Victoria came out on top. Past results are listed below.



  1. Images submitted should be in JPEG format, 1600 on the horizontal by 1200 pixels on the vertical.
  2. There are no restrictions on file size or resolution.
  3. Maximum number of submissions per member is two.

VCC Results 

  • 2023/24

We Won! The results are in and Victoria Camera Club has scored 1012 points against 1007 for Eastwood Photographic Society. Congratulations to our 30 members whose pictures were selected and successfully turned the tide after 7 years of Eastwood dominance. See the gallery of images on the right, as well as the links below.

YouTube Video Both Judges' Comments (for VCC Entries)

PDF Both Judges' Scores and Comments (for VCC Entries)

  • 2022/23

The scores are in from both judges, and sadly, for the seventh year in a row, Eastwood has defeated us.  Novice and Intermediate scores were close:  517 to 515 in favour of Eastwood, but Advanced was more one-sided, Eastwood winning by 523 points to 511.  The grand totals, then, were 1040 for Eastwood Photographic Society against 1026 for Victoria.  (Yes, they forfeited last year, but even discounting the one false entry, they still scored more points.) See the gallery.
View Judges' Comments and Individual Scores

  • 2021/22

Update:  the Eastwood Photographic Society of Glasgow informed us in November of 2022 that one of their members had entered a photo that did not belong to that member.  Eastwood informed Victoria Camera Club that the offending member has been expelled from the club, and they voluntarily “forfeited” the 2022 competition to us. Both clubs intend to carry on with the 2023 competition.

Our Novice/Intermediate images squeaked ahead of Eastwood - 503 to 504. However, their Advanced images overtook us - 506 to 473.  VCC member participants have each received their individual judges scores.  

Overall, the final scoring was Eastwood: 1009 and Victoria: 977.  The running total of wins is 5 for VCC and 10 for Eastwood, and 1 tie.

This year we are making available ALL of the images and judges comments from both Eastwood and VCC:

See Novice/Intermediate Images with Judges Comments (PDF)
See Advanced Images with Judges comments (PDF)
See Video 1: Selected VCC Images Eastwood Competition 2021-22
See Video 2: Judges Comments for VCC Images Eastwood2021-22

To view the selected images: See the gallery

  • 2020/21
The 2020/21 results are in and they were a disappointing exact replay of 2019/20.  Eastwood edged us out by 18 points once again.  Our advanced group snuck past Eastwood 503 to 499 but our Novice/Intermediates were dominated by Eastwood 504 to 482. The final tally - Eastwood over Victoria 1003 to 985. This puts our record at Eastwood 9 wins to our 5 with one tie.  The race is long, though, and we'll get them next year! See the gallery. See Judges Comments
  • 2019/20

The results from this year’s competition were not quite what we wanted. We lost by a whisker. The advanced score was 525 (Eastwood) to 519; the Intermediate/Novice score was 483 (Eastwood) to 471. We will be presenting the comments to the club in the fall. See the gallery. See Judges Comments

  • 2018/19
    We had a great start to this year's competition: The Novice/Intermediate VCC members scored 485 points to Eastwood's 474 points. Unfortunately, the advanced group didn't fare as well, scoring 502 to Eastwood's 532. It is now Eastwood 7 to Victoria 5. see the gallery
  • 2017/18
    In 2018, our Novice/Intermediate members came extremely close to winning. The score was Eastwood 499, Victoria 493. Our Advanced members did not fare so well, losing 503 to 466. The record is now Eastwood 6, Victoria 5, with one tie. see the gallery
    See Judges Comments

  • 2016/17
    This year Eastwood got the better of us in both Novice/Intermediate and Advanced categories, and in doing so, we are all tied up as indicated above. We’ll need to pull out all the stops to grab the lead back next year! see the gallery

  • 2015/16
    The Novice/Intermediate members held up their end by edging out a win 459 points to 454. Peter Kolbleitner's "Coho's Nose" took first place, while Meherzad Romer's "Simplicity in Intricacy" and Bobbie Carey's "Under the Bridge" tied for second. The Advanced members, in spite of submitting some great images, fell a bit short, losing to some outstanding images from the Eastwood group by a score of 533 to 506. Barbara Burns had our top scoring image "Crimson Dance", which tied for second place. Lois Burton, Mike Wooding, Don Peterson, Gail Takahashi and Ove Christensen all tied for third place with three Eastwood members.
    Overall, Eastwood triumphed with a total score of 987 to 965. Obviously each year it's anybody's game! see the gallery

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